Sunday 21 September 2014

Wacky Commonwealth Games.

On Friday the 19th of September the senior syndicate at Vardon school had their own Commonwealth games but it was  a wacky commonwealth games. Our Wacky Commonwealth Games was filled with weird games. Their was 4 wacky games I got into one of them it was the wheelbarrow race with Dakota. On Friday we had to try and wear clothes that went with our country. Room 13's country was Canada. We found Canada quite easy because all the other country's that the other class's had were country's that a lot of us didn't know. After every race if you came 3rd 2nd or 1st you got a medal.

I really enjoyed the wacky Comonwealth Games and I hope the next Commonwealth Games we can do it again.


Thursday 18 September 2014

Swim Safe

For the past week our class went to water world. The teachers their were Chris Grace and Barbara. I was in Grace's  group with my friend Megan and my other friend Susanna was in Chris's group. Everyone in our class had a great time. Grace's group got to go on the diving boards. their was 4 levels I went on all 4 of them. Jumping off the diving boards was lots of fun and a big thank you to the teachers that helped us learn new swimming skills.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Senior Cross Country

On the 29th of August 2014 the senior syndicate had their cross country. The senior cross country took place at Minogue Park. For cross country I was in the 10 year old girls race. In my race we had to do two laps. I thought cross country was very hard but I came 5th. I got into Inter school's which is tomorrow and I think it's going to be heaps of fun!

Sunday 17 August 2014

Goals that I want to achieve by the end of the year are...

My goals I want to achieve by the end of the year are that I try my best in cross country and to make improvements in my reading.

Sunday 29 June 2014

trip to the observartory

On Wednesday 18 June the senior  syndicate when to the observatory.
The observatory  was next to the zoo. At the observatory we meet space Dave. Space Dave's real name is Dave . At the observatory we all got to look at Mars and Saturn in his telescope.

 2 things I learnt

* 1: I learnt that when you go to space you will find that space is a  different time to earth.
* 2: I learnt that planets that no one has discovered are labelled in alphabet order.

A question I did not ask space Dave is:

How long would it take if you toke off your oxygen?

Sunday 25 May 2014


What's sadness?

when family or friends die 

crying sad voices

visiting my nana at her grave

feeling lonely

getting hurt

being bullied

going to the hospital

Sunday 18 May 2014

my peom

I wish I could fly high up to the sky and flutter all around so I could see the world.

I wish I was a millionaire so that I could go to to all the places I wanted to go.

I wish I was invisible so that I could do anything.

I wish I could sing like Taylor Swift or maybe even Jamie Mcdell.

I wish I could see my nana again and dance with her to Mama Mia one more time.

I wish I was a famous person that walked down the red carpet so I could wear a beautiful dress that you could notice far away in the wind .

I wish I was me the way I am now and do the things I do. Because all I want to be is me.